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Eurasian Teal 2025
Rough-legged Buzzard 24-25
Caspian Gull 24-25
Grey Wagtail 24-25
European Robin 24-25
Mistle Thrush 24-25
Common Starling 24-25
Brambling 24-25
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Icons used (providing further information for certain observations) :
Hidden observation
Mobile data
Verification pending
Observation automatically marked (temporarily) due to rarity, unusual number of individuals, date or altitude
The record is incorrect, mark it as invalid
Data from an observation list
This sighting is part of a partial list
Waterbird Census
Birding bird protcol
Private territory mapping
Point count
Second-hand observation
Photo available
Sound file available
New since my last visit
Documentation for Rarities Committees required: AFK
Observation accepted by the Rarities Committees: AFK
Explanation of the breeding codes :
Possible breeding
Species observed during breeding season in possible nesting habitat
Singing, drumming or displaying male present in breeding season in possible nesting habitat
Likely breeding
Pair observed in suitable nesting habitat in breeding season
Territorial behaviour (song, fights with neighbour etc.) on at least two different days a week or more apart at same place indicating a permanently occupied territory
Courtship and display (male and female) observed
Adult visiting a probable nest-site
Agitated behaviour or anxiety calls from adults, indicating a nest or young nearby
Brood patch on adult examined in the hand
Nest-building or excavating of nest-hole observed
Confirmed breeding
Distraction-display or injury-feigning observed
Used nest found (occupied within period of survey)
Recently fledged young (nidicolous species) or downy young (nidifugous species) observed
Adults entering or leaving nest-site in circumstances indicating occupied nest (including high nests or nestholes, the contents of which cannot be seen) or adult seen incubating
Adult carrying food for young or feces away from nest
Nest containing eggs
Nest with young seen or heard.
Breeding categories for internal use (can't be used for recording sightings)
Possible breeding
Likely breeding
Confirmed breeding
Species not recorded (anymore) despite severals visits to the site
Colour of species names :
Species not in the list
Species never recorded in Austria
Long-legged Buzzard
Species very rare
Alpine Swift
Species rare
African Spoonbill
escape / neozoon / hybrid
Alpine Accentor
semi-common species
Lesser Redpoll
Common species
Common Blackbird
Species very common
Shortcut list of districts :
AM : Amstetten
B : Bregenz
BL : Bruck an der Leitha
BM : Bruck an der Mur
BN : Baden
BR : Braunau am Inn
BZ : Bludenz
DL : Deutschlandsberg
DO : Dornbirn
E : Eisenstadt (Stadt)
E* : Rust (Stadt)
EF : Eferding
EU : Eisenstadt-Umgebung
FB : Feldbach
FE : Feldkirchen
FF : Fürstenfeld
FK : Feldkirch
FR : Freistadt
G : Graz (Stadt)
GD : Gmünd
GF : Gänserndorf
GM : Gmunden
GR : Grieskirchen
GS : Güssing
GU : Graz-Umgebung
HA : Hallein
HB : Hartberg
HE : Hermagor
HL : Hollabrunn
HO : Horn
I : Innsbruck (Stadt)
IL : Innsbruck (Land)
IM : Imst
JE : Jennersdorf
JO : Sankt Johann im Pongau
JU : Judenburg
K : Klagenfurt (Stadt)
KB : Kitzbühel
KF : Knittelfeld
KI : Kirchdorf an der Krems
KL : Klagenfurt (Land)
KO : Korneuburg
KR : Krems (Land)
KS : Krems an der Donau (Stadt)
KU : Kufstein
L : Linz (Stadt)
LA : Landeck
LB : Leibnitz
LE : Leoben
LF : Lilienfeld
LI : Liezen
LL : Linz-Land
LZ : Lienz
MA : Mattersburg
MD : Mödling
ME : Melk
MI : Mistelbach
MU : Murau
MZ : Mürzzuschlag
ND : Neusiedl am See
NK : Neunkirchen
OP : Oberpullendorf
OW : Oberwart
P : Sankt Pölten (Stadt)
PE : Perg
PL : Sankt Pölten (Land)
RA : Radkersburg
RE : Reutte
RI : Ried im Innkreis
RO : Rohrbach
S : Salzburg (Stadt)
SB : Scheibbs
SD : Schärding
SE : Steyr-Land
SL : Salzburg-Umgebung
SP : Spittal an der Drau
SR : Steyr (Stadt)
SV : Sankt Veit an der Glan
SZ : Schwaz
TA : Tamsweg
TU : Tulln
UU : Urfahr-Umgebung
VB : Vöcklabruck
VI : Villach (Stadt)
VK : Völkermarkt
VL : Villach Land
VO : Voitsberg
W01 : Wien Innere Stadt
W02 : Wien Leopoldstadt
W03 : Wien Landstraße
W04 : Wien Wieden
W05 : Wien Margareten
W06 : Wien Mariahilf
W07 : Wien Neubau
W08 : Wien Josefstadt
W09 : Wien Alsergrund
W10 : Wien Favoriten
W11 : Wien Simmering
W12 : Wien Meidling
W13 : Wien Hietzing
W14 : Wien Penzing
W15 : Wien Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus
W16 : Wien Ottakring
W17 : Wien Hernals
W18 : Wien Währing
W19 : Wien Döbling
W20 : Wien Brigittenau
W21 : Wien Floridsdorf
W22 : Wien Donaustadt
W23 : Wien Liesing
WB : Wiener Neustadt (Land)
WE : Wels (Stadt)
WL : Wels-Land
WN : Wiener Neustadt (Stadt)
WO : Wolfsberg
WT : Waidhofen an der Thaya
WU : Wien Umgebung
WY : Waidhofen an der Ybbs (Stadt)
WZ : Weiz
ZE : Zell am See
ZT : Zwettl
Biolovision Sàrl (Switzerland), 2003-2025